Is it urgent, or is it important? We all know how easy it is to become swamped by the avalanche of administrative tasks which plague every business owner every day, making it difficult to take the time out to explore those very aspects of our day to day business which might significantly reduce the volume
Author: OPS
Starting a blog for your print business
There is strong evidence that a blog is one of the best attraction strategies for your print business. In fact, according to Hubspot – 57% of businesses have acquired a customer through their blog. If you require help with your blogging – remember that blog content generation is just one of the many online marketing
The Printers Guide to SEO
The major search engines Google and Bing are excellent sources of visitors to your website. Google in particular is able to provide enough visitors, enquiries and sales to sustain most print businesses and make their website a worthwhile investment so it is essential that you pay attention to SEO. SEO or search engine optimisation is
3 social media tips for printers
In any 20 minute period, up to 1,000,000 links are shared on Facebook. There are many many more facts like this which reinforce what a juggernaut social media has become. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Stumbleupon, Foursquare and others – the web is now driven by social. Near enough everyone is on Facebook or Twitter whether
Should I opt for a web to print storefront or a complete web to print solution?
There is a great deal of confusion in the web to print software market, particularly amongst printers that are looking to adopt web to print functionality for the very first time, as to what exactly is the difference between a web to print storefront and a complete web to print setup. Today we will tackle
How to harness your offline business to grow your online presence
Here at OPS, we work with printers to help them take advantage of the opportunities presented by the internet. The world wide web opens up a wealth of new avenues to explore; target new customers, better serve existing clients and increase awareness of your business. Growing your online presence is going to become increasingly more
What’s the makeup of a good website?
A website is quite obviously an essential ingredient in your web to print strategy. Understanding what makes up a good website is therefore important if you are going to take your print business online and succeed. The thought process most people go through is as follows: “Does it look pretty? Great, I’ve got a website…now
The advantages of being an online print business
The phenomenal growth in UK internet usage provides a massive opportunity for print businesses to benefit from. A print business online is a great way to provide customers with a web to print solution. Generate new business – Having a website is a great way to attract new customers through high search engine visibility, you
5 reasons your print business needs to be online
Every print business can benefit from having an online presence and when you consider the incredible general increase year on year of purchases made direct from the internet can quickly become an important source of revenue . An online print solution website will help printers to increase revenue and profits. Here are 5 good reasons