Author: OPS

The Evolutionary Tale Of Print

Whether you prefer to source the earliest days of print as handprints being used to create pattern on prehistoric cave walls; or prefer your definition of the invention of print to the invention of paper in 105AD – the same fact remains – print has been invaluable to humans since time immemorial. Why Is Print

What is Web to Print?

It’s a term that’s bandied around quite a lot these days, but it’s not always totally clear exactly what Web to Print actually means. If you ask ten different printers or graphic designers ‘What is web to print?’, you’re likely to get ten slightly different answers. A Brief History Printers have been selling online for

What Is Happening To Print Ecommerce in 2020?

In our blog article, Will Print Ecommerce Be The New ‘Normal’ After Lockdown?, we discussed how print eCommerce had changed to meet the increasing demands of customers to shop online during lockdown and whether this trend was likely to continue post lockdown. What Is Happening In The Wider Economy? In the Office for National Statistics