Last time around we posed the question, is web to print all that it’s sometimes cracked up to be? A key fact underpinning this question is this – how can any on-line service ever avoid falling into a “red ocean” of hyper-competition inevitably leading to falling margins in an attempt to secure market share? The
Category: Web To Print
Everything you ever wanted to know about web to print and how it can benefit your business.
Is web to print all that it’s cracked up to be?
So much is now written about it, and the technology has now reached such a critical mass, it’s arguable that some of the benefits are, if not being overlooked, then certainly being underestimated … … but are they? Are web to print solutions really as good as all that? Are customers entirely happy with
Web to print storefronts – your starter for 10 …
In a previous article we talked about the differences between straightforward e-commerce and a fully-fledged Web to print solution. Essentially, e-commerce is buying anything on the internet, using a secure payment system. Most of us do this as consumers all the time, and it’s popularly known as a “B2C” transaction (i.e. business to consumer). If
On-line Security and Web to Print
In our last article on Web to print we talked briefly about on-line security, flagging that since people are conducting financial transactions (i.e. paying for things) on-line, then there is a need for that data to be secured. We mentioned SSL (“Secure Sockets Layer”), a technology which authenticates and encrypts the sensitive data being transmitted
What Web to Print isn’t!
In recent articles we’ve touched on some of the fundamentals of Web2print (there really seems little point in standardising on a name for it as there are so many variants), but before we get too far ahead of ourselves we thought that it might be useful to take a small step back and check that
Everything you ever wanted to know about Web to Print
Article updated June 2018 Let’s start by agreeing what to call it shall we? Is it Web to Print? Or Web2Print? Or even W2P? Or any combination of all of the above? Well, as far as we’re concerned it’s all of them, and as there’s no agreed standard, it doesn’t really matter. Probably best if
Evolving your website marketing and web to print strategy
Introduction to the series In a series of articles over the coming months, we’ll be covering a range of topics starting with Website Marketing and ending with Web to Print Storefronts, with a variety of subjects in between. Our intention is to provide you with a wide span of information, enabling you to make rapid
Temptations of Templates
Is it urgent, or is it important? We all know how easy it is to become swamped by the avalanche of administrative tasks which plague every business owner every day, making it difficult to take the time out to explore those very aspects of our day to day business which might significantly reduce the volume
Should I opt for a web to print storefront or a complete web to print solution?
There is a great deal of confusion in the web to print software market, particularly amongst printers that are looking to adopt web to print functionality for the very first time, as to what exactly is the difference between a web to print storefront and a complete web to print setup. Today we will tackle